Friday, 25 February 2022

Thought for the day

 I first visited the Soviet Union, as it then was, back in 1973. In those days it was still possible for some people to believe that Communism might be the way of the future. When I returned in 1984, things had changed: it was obvious that the USSR was a pretty crap country, falling way behind the West and led by a bunch of toothless geriatrics who somehow believed themselves to be Marxist revolutionaries. Today, things have changed again. Russia is still a crap country, but nowadays run by thieves, gangsters and ex-KGB thugs.

Thursday, 17 February 2022

Stories: Blogs

 They followed each other's blogs and social media posts, though they never met and did not even correspond directly. Their works were completely different: he wrote little stories, fantasies for the most part, whereas she wrote about the small incidents of her daily life, in a wry and amusing fashion. He deduced from these that she was a university graduate, young and unmarried, who worked in a college library where there were plenty of old books. She had no idea who he might be, or how old he was. 

   Because of this lack of contact, they built up  imaginary pictures of each other. She saw him as a would-be warrior against the forces of darkness; he saw her engaged in a quiet but unsuccessful search for love. And both were right.
   They might have appeared to be opposites, but in the sight of God they were no more than opposite sides of the same coin: they complemented each other, and together formed a Unity; for in their different ways they were searching for the same thing, which so many philosophers and mystics sought:  the Absolute; the ultimate single Whole that is truth and love and everything.